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Project Presentation

Outreach to Young Families


Rev. John Mark Wang

Hello! My name is John Wang, Senior Pastor of Cornerstone United Methodist Church (UMC). Our church was founded forty-three years ago to aid the Asian American community in Orange County, CA and our mission is to be a blessing to the community. We do this by creating community engaging events to raise awareness of local resources and fundraise for families in need. Our Trunk-or-Treat event connected over 200 families in Placentia, CA and Orange County, CA and they enjoyed delicious candies and fun decorated trunks. We invited our community partners: the Placentia Fire Department, Police Department, Boy Scouts of America, and members of the Placentia City Council to teach families about their services. Jenna, a neighbor in Placentia messaged us on Facebook to tell us how much our Trunk-or-Treat meant to her family and looks forward to it every year. Our church blesses families! We bless people from the community, one young man named Raj, got connected to our church and through our resources he was able to reach his goal of independence and work – he now works for Google in TX! Our most recent event was the “Spirit of Friendship Tea” which reached over 100 families to gather for a British high tea and appetizers. Through the event we raised over $3,000 to buy Christmas gifts for families through the Adopt-A-Family program organized by the Friendly Center of Orange County. Our church has partnered with The Friendly Center, Pathways of Hope, and Project Independence for over five years by volunteering and providing financial assistance. We want to be of service in blessing families through our congregation and also providing the resources they need. We are seeking $1,000 to fund marketing and advertising of our events through banners, and flyers. Will you partner with us?

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