Jayson Shone
Jayson Shone
Hillside LA
El Sereno, CA
Breaking Bread

Jayson Shone was born in Los Angeles, California at the California Hospital in 1991. He was raised by immigrant parents from Korea. He is a 2nd generation Korean and a 1st generation Korean American. As a child, Jayson and his family moved around quite frequently, mostly in the greater Los Angeles area. Like most Korean immigrant parents, Jayson’s parents worked very hard to provide for and make available the best education for Jayson. It was a small part of the reason why his family moved around so much. Instead of taking full advantage of the opportunities, Jayson took a different path and started to get in trouble at a very young age, It was around the time his father left the house that he started to veer off to a darker path. He grew up with pain and suffering, not only because of a missing father, but because of the culture differences of being Korean and American. Even still, with faith and consistent support from his mother, and later his stepfather, and a good faith community, Jayson eventually turned from troublesome ways and started to find healing and purpose in his mid 20s. Now Jayson has been involved in giving back by helping neighbors who are houseless and being a positive role model to his church family. Jayson has a hopeful future and now has a strong desire to impact his community in the most powerful way by giving back what he himself received; love, advocacy, and empowering those who are poor in spirit, just as he was.