Become a volunteer
Make a difference!
FACE has a reputation for empowering the Korean/Asian community and advocacy, providing resources and opportunities to the underprivileged and underserved. Our volunteer program offers a variety of opportunities depending on the volunteer’s availability, interest, and capacity.
Opportunities range from one-time service activities at events to more ongoing, dedicated short term, long term, off-site, or pro-bono service opportunities. Volunteer opportunities are available for students at high school, college and graduate student levels for which they may also receive credits towards their academic units. In addition, professionals and non-students have also provided pro-bono services. Outreach is another important role of our volunteers. Outreach is done by volunteers in the form of identifying and referring potential recipients of our services. One-time volunteer opportunities at our events include translating, ushering, registration, photography, videotaping, set up, security, and other related services. Off-site opportunities include translation work of collateral materials to design and development of promotional materials.
Other opportunities include providing administrative and office support such as: answering calls, receiving and directing visitors, and data entry. Professional volunteer opportunities have included providing legal, accounting, IT technical assistance, real estate advice and other professional expertise.For volunteers who can give a minimum 20 hours/week commitment, volunteers contribute and gain experience in the following areas:

Government & Public Relations
Marketing/Outreach/Social Media/Communication
Public Policy Research and Advocacy
Grant Writing
Graphic/Video Editing
Website Development
Program Implementation – i.e. Housing - Financial Literacy - Digital Literacy
FACE is committed to the leadership development of our volunteers. Volunteers have the opportunity to contribute and propose new projects or program ideas. In addition, as part of FACE’s commitment to our volunteer’s leadership development, volunteers are provided with off-site training opportunities such as grant writing and media relations as well as opportunities to attend special events and meet elected officials, media, and key leaders – both at local and national levels. In addition, the CEO meets with each of the volunteers on a monthly basis.
Currently, volunteers are recognized in the following ways:
Volunteers have a chance to receive the President's Volunteer Service Award (Please see below for details)
Volunteers have a chance to be full time employees
Volunteers are recognized with certificates and special acknowledgements
Volunteers are recognized with special announcements using email blasts and invited to annual dinner for FACE volunteers - staff - board and key supporters.
Send us an email at to apply!