Kang Pyung Lee
* Community Level
Co-Chairman- to the National Council of Elders of US Relations and Education
Kang Pyung Lee, Ph.D., He currently serves as the Co-Chairman to the National Council of Elders of US Relations and Education. He first attended Seoul Christian University before earning his bachelor's degree at Hanyang University. From there he went on to receive his Master’s degree from Vanderbilt University (George Peabody College), as well as a Master of Theology from United Graduate School of Theology, Yonsei University. He then moved to America to complete his studies and earn a Ph.D. from the University of Toledo. He became a full time lecturer at the University of Florida for one year before returning to Korea to be a Professor and Dean for the College of Physical Education and Graduate School of Education at Hanyang University. He remained there for 11 years as the Chief Assistant to the President and Dean of International Affairs. During his time there, he was also a Board Member at Seoul Christian University. He became Chairman of the University 1987-1990, and the President of the University in 1999.
Throughout this time his social career included things like being the Advisor of International Affairs for the United States Volleyball Association and the Director of Planning for the Korea Volleyball Association. He was a Board Member for the Korea Olympic Committee as well as the Secretary General and Vice President for the University Sports Council in Korea. His love for sports continued to show by his participation in the Korean Olympic Committee. In 1985 he became the Secretary General and Executive Member for the Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee for Academic Convention for Scientific Congress. From there he became Head of Operation Sports for the Seoul Asian Game Organizing Committee. After that Lee became the Deputy Secretary General for Policy Research for the Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee. He also spent time as the President for the Korean Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. He later expanded his international presence through the Olympic Council of Asia as the Chairman of the Athletics Committee. He was also promoted to the Vice President of the Korean Olympic Committee and became the President of Korea University Volleyball Federation.
Lee’s Church Career began when he was Ordained as a Pastor in May 1971. He was the first Vice President of the Christian Council of Korea, and he served on the Executive Committee. He was the Co-President of the Korea-US Pastoral Council and the President of the Christian Church Council of Korea. His international presence was very prominent in this field as well as he was the Co-President of the Korea-US Pastoral Council and the first Vice President of the World Christian Convention. In addition to this he was the President of the 2016 Seoul International Christian Convention. Currently he is a pastor and the Chairman of the Special Mission Program at Yesusarang Christian Church. He is also the Honorary President of the Christian Council of Korea.
Kang Pyung had also published many books, such as Sports Physiology, 1984, Comparative Physical Education, 1989, Sports Physiology Research Method, 1990, and Sports Psychophysiology and Sports Learning,1994. He has also published numerous articles focused on physical education and dance. Some of which include “Study on the Policies of Korean Physical Education Administration” and “The Conceptual Model of Dance Movement learning process”