
Rabbi Ilana Grinblat
VP, Com. Engagement
Board of Rabbis
Jewish Federation of LA
Rabbi Ilana Grinblat serves as the Vice-President of Community Engagement for the Board of Rabbis of Southern California at the Los Angeles Jewish Federation. She is the author of two books, Blessings and Baby Steps: The Spiritual Path of Parenthood (published by Behrman House in 2011) and Castles and Catch: Spiritual Lessons Children Teach Us (published by Author House in June of 2016). She leads high holiday services at Temple Har Shalom in Idyllwild, CA She also taught Midrash to the rabbinical students Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies from 2002-2019. Her "Parent's Torah" blog, which consists of reflections on the weekly Torah portion and parenting, is found at She holds a M.A from UCLA in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures as well as a MA and rabbinic ordination from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies where she was ordained in 2001. Since her ordination, she worked as a congregational rabbi at Temple Beth Shalom in Long Beach and then at Temple Ner Maarav in Encino. She has also been trained as a Zumba dance instructor and she has taught Jewish dance at Sinai Temple and Open Temple. She and her husband Tal are the proud parents of Jeremy and Hannah.