Rev. Mandy McDow
Rev. Mandy McDow
Los Angeles First UMC
Los Angeles
Ecclesiology & Economics

Rev. Mandy McDow grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee and attended Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia. She then attended Princeton Theological Seminary for her Master of Divinity. Currently she is pursuing doctoral work at Candler School of Theology. After 7 years at St. Mark, she was appointed pastor at Laguna Beach United Methodist Church in Laguna Beach, California. She says she spent three years suffering for the Lord with an ocean view. However, her passions soon turned to a church that needed creativity and love: First United Methodist Church, Los Angeles. In July of 2017 she accepted the appointment to the flagship Los Angeles United Methodist Church with one catch: The church razed the building in 2001. It is her job to figure out what to do with all of this (details forth coming in her first book most likely to be titled “Losing my Damn Mind: I Left Paradise and Took on a Parking Lot). Mandy has a black belt in Taekwondo, she is an aspiring musician, still has a passion for sweet tea, and is the proud mother of three children.