Rev. Kris Tate
Rev. Kris Tate
Glendale First UMC
Building Our Shared Future

Rev. Kris Tate is the Senior Minister at Glendale First United Methodist Church. Kris is a native of Oklahoma where he served in the United Methodist Church for 16 years before coming to Southern California. Kris’ passion is helping organizations transition through phases of stagnation and decline to enter new periods of growth, health, and vitality. This work initially led Kris into politics where he worked as everything from running campaigns to being on the legislative staff. Upon discovering his calling to ministry, Kris transitioned into pursuing this passion in the local church. Now in his eighteenth year of ministry, Kris has helped to facilitate growth and health in diverse contexts such as a new church start and aging congregations. Most recently this has been helping an established congregation revision its identity into a becoming a reconciling congregation to live out its values more fully. In his current context, Kris and the leadership of the church are exploring how they might utilize the church’s property to create affordable housing, providing for greater diversity and inclusivity in Glendale while simultaneously creating more sustainable and vital future for the church as well. Kris is married to Kinsie, who is a licensed professional counselor. They have three children: Patrick, 10, Henry, 8, and E.V., 4.