Rev. Catherine Capp
Rev. Catherine Capp
University United Methodist Church Irvine
Irvine, CA
SHINE Initiative - Breaking Silos Building Bridges, Cultivating Community

Rev. Cathie Capp is an Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church whose path towards ministry took many twists and turns. She became a mother at 17 years old and obtained a BA in Social Work, working with underserved youth in the LA Probation and Foster Care systems for 14 years. Discerning a call to ordained ministry, Cathie earned her MDiv and MA in Christian Education Princeton Theological Seminary in 2013 and is currently appointed to University United Methodist Church in Irvine, CA. Cathie’s experience in social work practicing behavioral modification and mediation between families in conflict proved incredibly helpful in transitioning to ministry to congregations in conflict. Her passion is for building relationships of trust grounded in God’s abundant love that result in renewed energy to transform tired ministries into new Spirit-filled ones. Noticing a need for inter-generational activities to bridge the gap between her multi-siloed congregation (young families, older/retired members, and our Korean / Japanese language ministries), Cathie began the work of re-thinking the Messy Church ministry and transforming it to meet the wider needs of the UUMC and Surrounding communities. Cathie’s project is called SHINE (Share, Hope, Inspire, Nurture, Everyone) and strives to nurture relationships with those already in the UUMC community and expand to the wider community. SHINE will include a meal, fun and games, a community service project, and invite a community partner to participate at each event.