Lavinia Taukolo
Lavinia Taukolo
The F.A.N.A.U. Initiative
Harris United Methodist Church – Honolulu, HI

Lavinia Taukolo is currently an intern at Harris UMC in downtown Honolulu, HI. She has a Bachelors degree in Social Work, and just completed her Masters of Divinity from the Claremont School of Theology. She finds her passion working with children, youth, and young adults. Most of Lavinia's ministry centers around the children of the church, and helping wherever she can around her own home church. After graduating from seminary, Lavinia decided to take a break from school, and work on getting her certification along the candidacy process within the United Methodist Church. She hopes to be appointed to a local church some time next year. Lavinia hopes the experience she gains from FACE can and will also be applied to her home church and future ministries.