Project Presentation
Strategic Plan for Community Outreach
Rev. Alex Powell
Hi my name is Rev. Alex Powell I am the Executive Pastor of New Beginnings a new collective of churches that in 2018 created a multi-site church in the Inland Empire centered in San Bernardino. We currently have 4 campuses, our historic churches have a history of serving in the Inland empire for over 80 years and New Beginnings is currently serving by furnishing families transitioning into stable housing, distributing food and providing clothes for those in need. In 2019 San Bernardino county had over 2,600 people without steady housing and %73 of them were living on the street. With our furnishing families program, we have partnered with San Bernardino County Key's program as together we help individuals and families get and remain in steady housing. In 2019 we were able to help furnish over 30 families in need. We also distributed over 1,700 meals, and over 6,000 articles of clothing. Would you be willing to partner with us as we work to uplift and revitalize the Inland Empire?