Dr. Steven Kwon
Founder & President, Nutrition & Education International

Steven Kwon is a food scientist with over 30 years of food industry experience in research, development and business development. He is holding 13 US and international patents from his research and development work. In 2003, he founded a humanitarian international development NGO in 2003, Nutrition and Education International (NEI), and have since developed and established a self-sustainable soy value chain as a practical nutritional solution to chronic food insecurity and protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) among poor women and children in rural Afghanistan. His team has established a self-sustainable soybean seed sector, trained soybean cultivation and home use of soy foods to 175,000 farmers from all 34 provinces, built eleven soy processing factories in major soybean production provinces, and developed soy food culture and soy market for general public. He and his wife have made 72 trips to Afghanistan to lead the soy industry development program, and livelihood improvement of village women, and rural youth development activities.