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3) During Class:


Home Ownership Fairs

시민 참여, 공공-민간 파트너십에 관심이있는 지도자를 양성하고 교회와 지역 사회 파트너십을 강화하는 동시에 사회 정의 옹호자가되기 위해 고안되었습니다.

Register For Our
24th Annual Homeownership Fair!(Held Virtually This Year)

2022 Homeownership Fair Flyer.png

See the promo video from last year's virtual fair!

Attendees will have the opportunity to...


  • Learn about some of the down payment assistance programs available,

  • Meet available realtors that are familiar with Low or Moderate Income (LMI) or first-time homebuyers,\

  • Discuss loan options from several mortgage professionals and lenders/banks, 

  • Meet successful graduates of the first 2 pillars of the FACE Homeownership program, 

  • Start your journey to fulfilling the American Dream!

Become a Sponsor/Exhibitor

We invite you to participate as a sponsor for Faith and Community Empowerment's 24th Virtual Homeownership Fair.


We believe that everyone should know the pathway to homeownership! Your sponsorship will help many individuals make their dream of homeownership a reality.


Please let us know if you would like to participate in FACE's virtual fair. For sponsorship levels, benefits and details please see the following Sponsorship Package.


If you have any questions, you may contact us at or 213-985-1500.

2022 (24th) FACE Homeownership Fair Sponsorship Package.png
Become a Supporting Organization

We invite you to become a Supporting Organization for our 2022 Homeownership Fair. As a Supporting Organization, we ask you to help publicize the event in the following ways:

1. Announcement through your Social Media Coverage & Listserv

2. Announcements/Posting of Flyer at your events

3. Distribution of Flyers at your events

In turn, we would like to recognize you as a Supporting Organization on our website, email blast as well as in our fair's program booklet.

***All emails can be sent to***



1) Sign Up

Use the form below to sign up as a supporting organization.


2) Send Logo

Send us the logo you would like us to use on promotional materials.


3) Send Posting

Send us the promotional content you distribute so we can confirm your support.

Check Out previous Fairs:
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