20th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner
Light up the Night:
A Time to HEAL
시민 참여, 공공-민간 파트너십에 관심이있는 지도자를 양성하고 교회와 지역 사회 파트너십을 강화하는 동시에 사회 정의 옹호자가되기 위해 고안되었습니다.
20th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner
Light up the Night:A Time to HEAL
Under the theme of Light Up the Night: A Time to HEAL - Celebrating 20 Years of FACE, we will be honoring dynamic leaders who have brought light & hope for the purpose of healing, transformed communities in the pursuit of equity, advocated for racial justice and solidarity, and exemplified leadership through their compassion and faith.
20th Anniversary Awards Gala Honorees
Gala Dinner Speakers
2021 Program Registration
5:00pm Reception
5:45pm Dinner
6:30pm Program
8:00pm Closing
6:30pm Program
8:00pm Closing
October 24, 2021
5pm - 8pm PT
In-Person & Virtually on Whova
Hover to view the program order for the 20th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner!
5:00pm Reception
5:45pm Dinner
6:30pm Program
8:00pm Closing
6:30pm Program
8:00pm Closing
Join Us!
Register directly on Whova below:
*Please NOTE: In person guests are expected to be vaccinated and are to wear masks for the entirety of the event unless eating or speaking.
Celebrating 20 Years of Faith and Community Empowerment
For the past 20 years, FACE has impacted underserved communities by serving as a voice calling out injustice, a resource for those who have none, and a leader equipping others for good work to be a light in the community.
FACE's impact is evidenced in our various initiatives including homeownership, foreclosure prevention, affordable housing, financial literacy, career/leadership development for AAPI youth, Covid research, Model Minority Myth education, advocacy, job training, mental health, affordable care outreach, food insecurity, disaster readiness, church/community leadership training and capacity building, small business aid, healthy marriage initiatives, Covid testing, and vaccine distribution.
FACE has also worked to strengthen and lift up the faith community’s engagement, contribution, impact and partnership with the broader community through public and private partnerships.

Partners from White House To Fortune 500 Companies

Trained Faith & Community Leaders On Community Development

Families & Individuals
On Their Way to Homeownership

Sub-grants to
Faith Based & Community Organizations

Defaulted Mortgages
Saved From

Downpayment & Other Assistance for Families & Individuals
Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the LA Riots
Serve . Advocate . Inspire . Give . Unite
FACE is pleased to announce that with the celebration of our momentous 20th anniversary year, we will be launching commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the LA Riots by kicking-off our SAIGU campaign at the awards gala dinner.
During the 1992 Los Angeles Riots, Korean incurred almost 50% of the billion dollars in property damage in the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict was announced. FACE launched the SAIGU campaign on the 20th anniversary of Los Angeles Riots to build bridges of understanding and to combat myths that keep communities divided.